Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Score and Five Years Ago...

Shortly after my recent emergence as a 25-Year-Old, a few things immediately pop into my head: "When the hell did I go from 20 to 25?" and "How am I not filthy rich by now?" and "I'm Hungry." and "What do I do now?" I find myself lost in a million questions and I don't know if I have any answers. But, I do have a lot of guestimates on the first 25 years of questions. If any of these answers help you First Quartile people, Your Welcome.

Despite your best efforts to subdue your urges, one Capri Sun is never enough. This demand-side dilemna will emerge again as an adult, but take a much more intoxicating form. Luckily, you won't need to figure out how to get that flimsy straw into that damn titanium plating that guards the pouch hole anymore.

Love is amazing... when you are a kid... and you love Pokemon. Otherwise, Love is mostly fun but usually annoying and the cause of many headaches. Like Pokemon. But not nearly as cute.

School is a trap. They lure you in with recess, fingerpainting, and midday naps. Then, they start throwing you numbers and letters and ideas that learning them will make you smart enough to be an astronaut. Then they slowly make it harder until you become smart enough to realize you're not going to the moon. Fucking Bastards.

Regardless of what you learned from Full House, Family Matters, and Boy Meets World, no problem is fixed with a 3-minute converstation and a hug. Jesse would get arrested for shooting Joey during one of his constant Popeye impressions, Urkel would have a restraining order, and [as you may have read from earlier posts] Feeney doesn't exist.

There is a point in middle school that you will condemn everything that makes you seems like a kid. You'll throw away your toys and stuffed animals, be mean to your parents, wear clothes that make you look as cool as Pop Culture thinks you should, and try really hard to grow up as fast as you can. Then there is a point in College where you realize all the things that you tried so hard to forget are awesome. If I had a pack of Pogs and Slammers right now, I would be in fucking heaven.

For a big portion of the first 25, you will spend a bunch of time preparing for adulthood. Learning harder subjects, working longer hours, and trying as hard as you can to get everything in order to pave the way for the rest of you life. It will be difficult and require a lot of effort. But the thing that ends up being the most important --- not the degrees or accolades, nor the internships or summer jobs --- is the memories you make in between. Good times with good friends, spontaneous adventures, living out on a limb: those are the experiences that make you into who you become as an adult. So the only advice I have for you young kids out there is that you should take advantage of every situation that you can. Love and hate and laugh and cry and scream and play and do as much as you can in the short amount of time you get before you become an adult. Trust me, you'll look back on those times and realize how important they are to hold on to. And if you're lucky, you'll remember to never let it go.

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